Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

omega 7 (buckthorn oil)

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I used it for dry eye problems which it did seem to benefit - the eyes certainly became less dry and sore and I hadn't changed anything else, so assume it was the sea buckthorn helping.  Not sure whether or not it had any effect on the vaginal area, but certainly not enough as I have to use Ovestin cream now.

i take 2  day

Have very dry skin on hands and feet and hoped it might help that a bit, certainly stopped the dry eyes and the other areas down below are very moist , however it hasnt helped the dry skin, the omega is supposed to be good for you too but cant recall why,

I think I'm going to buy some, can anyone tell me which ones are the best, I know it's going to be the expensive ones but I'm will to pay but what make are they strength  etc and where is it best to get them from. Has anyone had side effects?

Ann x

I think Pharma Nord are the best ones.  Shop around though, my local health shop was the cheapest they had them 'on offer' at £18.99 for 90.  £17.06 for 60 on Amazon.  I tried Natures Aid which are cheaper but they did nothing.

No side effects and at the moment I am taking 2 a day of the Pharma Nord and 2 of the Natures Aid to use them up.

Thanks SadLynda

I'm going to order some

Ann x


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