Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Serenity bio identical hormone cream!!

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I tried it too after all the other red clover, black cohosh etc etc hadnt worked and thought from the blurb that it would be my salvation  -   :P but afraid it didnt help any  of my symptoms

Soon this kind of post will be in the dedicated alternatives section.  ::)


Mary G:
Thanks to a very helpful MM member, I am just about to try some! I was just about to start it last month but my period came before I had the chance.  I was put in touch with a doctor who is a hormone specialist and I had telephone consultation during which he ran through some basic questions and prescribed it. 

I was going to start a separate thread on this but you beat me to it!  Because I am severely intolerant to artificial progesterone and Utrogestan, I am going to try using this cream as an alternative and as part of my HRT regime.  The doctor agreed that it would be OK for me to use it for 7 days each month instead of the Utrogestan.  He thinks that I react badly to the 100mg Utrogestan because it is too strong for me and I don't need to take it in such high doses.  He thinks the fact that I have regular periods with or without taking progesterone means I do not needs as much progesterone as some women and can't see any reason why it should not work.  I just hope I can tolerate it and it doesn't bring on the silent migraines.

Will keep you posted.

Let us know how you get on.

It's really interesting to hear how others manage symptoms

Be prepared for some negative responses to this, but stick to what you have decided and don't be put off.

When we get our alternatives thread then this can hopefully be discussed and not get any negative comments.


Mary G - I am not clear what your doc hopes to achieve by prescribing the progesterone cream? The thing is, the cream in the thread title is a much hyped commercial brand - which as pointed out below is not recommended by experts for use in protecting the womb lining, because it is so weak - not sure if this is what you are going to be using?

There is nothing wrong with a progesterone cream per se for this purpose, if it is produced at the right concentration to be absorbed and give serum levels of progesterone sufficient to thin the lining - it's just that this commercial brand does not as far as I know do this (and as per the info on this site).  I can understand and sympathise with your problem and if only utrogestan was produced at lower doses!

Are you still having regular periods even without any HRT? If this is the case then why do you need it at all - although the additional oestrogen may make the lining thicken. I really can't see what it would do to protect the womb if it's the commercial brand - unless there is a prescrption only stronger version available. :-\

Will you be having regular scans to check that it is not overthickening, despite the bleeding you are experiencing?

( ??? Negative comments??)

Hurdity x


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