Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Serenity bio identical hormone cream!!

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Mary G:
Honeybun, assuming you mean my decision to go with the vaginal Utrogestan, I suppose I was a bit scared off and I had to make a snap decision last night because that is when I was scheduled to start the progesterone cycle for 7 days and I feel I want to buy more time before trying the progesterone cream.  I have emailed my gynae. and told her what I am doing and said that I will go for another scan after my next period which, because I am taking the Utrogestan for 7 days, will be the normal 6 day job. I want to start with a clean slate and then think again. 

The issue is you were set on your course of treatment from a consultant before you posted.
Again, I mean no offence but you have been swayed by other forum members into trying something else.
None of us are qualified to tell you what you should do......No matter what some may think.

I really believe we get into very uncertain territory when a member is dissuaded from a course of treatment on a forum.

I really don't think Dr Currie would be in favour of that at all.

Of course the decision is very much yours......but a consultant with heaven knows how many years experience......or a chat on a forum from people with no medical experience what so ever.



Mary G:
Thanks Honeybun, I take your point.  Perhaps I shouldn't have chickened out but I panicked and wanted to buy some time so thought I would stick with the Utrogestan as usual for this month and then think again.  I certainly won't be trying for the long cycle again though, it clearly will not work for me.  I'm not giving up completely on the Serenity idea because as I said before, it is used in the USA and Canada so it can't be that bad!  That said, many doctors over here are not keen on it but as with most things medical, opinions are divided.  I'll have another womb scan after the next period and then give it a go.

I know I'm certainly going to offend some here ....but hey ho.

Listen to the consultant and not a bunch of amateurs on a forum who have no medical experience at all.

Take your time.....take advice from the expert and make an informed decision.

I wish you luck whichever way you choose and let us know how you get on.


Mary G:
Thanks, I'll keep you posted.


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