Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Serenity bio identical hormone cream!!

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I don't see any harm in trying this! Your doctor has agreed and it seems you are being well looked after. I used compounded progesterone cream which was prescribed and mixed by a specialist pharmacy (I'm in canada). I found this to have far less negative effects than utrogestan but you have to apply twice daily to keep a steady dose!

Again people trying different things are basically told they are wrong! I have already read this morning that there is no need for progesterone after menopause (except of course to cause a bleed) - this is just wrong! In light of he continual negative and quite frankly unhelpful responses by some members, I will be leaving the forum. I have had lots of help over the years, but I think this is just plain irritating ....

Such a shame.


Mary G:
Thanks Hurdity, I have taken your sensible advice and I am now taking 100mg of Utrogestan for 7 days. I will be in touch!

Suzi, sorry to hear you are leaving and to the other ladies, sorry if I have spoilt this particular thread.  I thought a discussion about this cream was a good idea because it is used with HRT regimes in the USA and, thanks to your information, Canada.  I am always open to new ideas.

Sorry you felt you had to go Suzyq.  I certainly tried the cream, but was post hysterectomy. I was prepared to try it, thinking it might help. It didn't, but everyone is different.

Take care.

Sorry if I have missed something, but why would you ignore a consultants advice and follow thoughts on a forum.

We have had this discussion before.....we can offer our own experiences but should NEVER offer medical or prescribing advice.

To be honest I would follow the experts opinion rather than be swayed from what he said.
After all the only doctor on this site is Dr Currie and if you wanted a professional second opinion then for a small charge you can email her.



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