Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?

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How large are the risks though?

Jaki T:
I don't know, but there is some risk and because of my history of bp it's not a risk I'm happy to take

Did your GP not tell you the exact risks  :-\ - they are sometimes good at picking problems out of the air without being explicit!

Jaki T:

No, I said I was worried about increased risk of clots and strokes etc because of my past experience on the pill and my GP said there was a slight risk. I know it's probably low but I have to take into account my previous bp problems and also the fact that I'm thirty years older now and bp is more at risk when you're older.

Your GP should have discussed this further with you  >:( not fobbed you off with 'small risk'. 

However  ::)


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