Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Has Black Cohosh or Red Clover helped sweats?

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The exam. shouldn't hurt, it can be uncomfortable but that goes as soon as the pressure is let off.

Jaki T:
That's the Fibromyalgia which means it doesn't hurt most people but hurts people with FM because of the way pain is processed  :(

Jaki I understand your concerns about your past experience with the BCP, but it was probably the progestin that you reacted to and the dose of progestin in the BCP is much higher than in HRT. There are alternatives of a natural progesterone called Utrogestin. I've chosen not to use Utrogestan and stick to a progestin, but I only have to use it for 10 days a month. If I was to take a higher dose of progestin or take it for longer like on the BCP I would have problems too, but because I only need to take a fairly low dose for on 10 days I have no problem with it at all.

As for "white coat syndrome", I definitely have that. If I donate blood my blood pressure would always be fine, but if my doctor took it it would be up, and of course that can ring some alarm bells with HRT. So my doctor suggested I start taking it at home, so I do and every time I take it it's fine. I just write the results in a note pad and show it to her when I see her and she's happy to trust me.

Ah Jaki T - thanks.

Jaki T:

I have taken progesterone in cream form (Serenity) and Projuven.  Maybe that explains why my bp has risen after being normal for years!

Even when they attempted to take my bp with one of those auto ones that strangle your arm (I have had to stop them before now) my bp wasn't up in spite of the anxiety about the pain.

I'm not convinced anyway that it was the progesterone in the pill that was the problem and not the oestrogen.  I spoke with my GP about it again the other day and yes there are risks re blood clotting and thrombosis with HRT even 'bioidentical ones' so I don't want to go down that road

Progesterone cream hasn't really helped with the sweating anyway.

Sorry I am missing replies as I've not worked out how to link with my emails.


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