Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies


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--- Quote from: dulciana on August 21, 2016, 02:47:55 PM ---Okay - but my night sweats stopped completely while I used it (at least two years) and I would have been asleep most of the time, so unable to be "placebo-ish" about it!

--- End quote ---

It's not conscious so it would make complete sense.

I bought one, lovingly referred to in my house as 'the pant magnet', in desperation after trying most other things on the market. I wore it for about 6 weeks but didn't feel any benefit. On waking one morning with really bad anxiety I ripped the pant magnet from my pants and hurled it across the room while shouting lots of expletives!!!  ;D ;D ;D I haven't seen it since!! ;D

I have the lady care magnets too.

Like you it was discussed at work purely by chance as she asked how my weight lose was going. And I replied  'it wasn't  - bloody menopause' My weight has  gone up and down every week despite watching what I eat and cutting out crisps chocolate snd biscuits.

That was about 3 weeks ago and it has calmed my hot flushes but then again I have had all the windows open at home in this heat anyhow and also had the air con on at work. And rarely need my cardigan.

I see from your other threads that you are still having problems and pleased to see you have just been given HRT by your doctor - oestrogen patches. Well done!

Truly I would chuck the magnet as Cherrycrumble has done and concentrate on the tried and tested methods of alleviating symptoms of menopause ( hormone replacement) that you have started. In peri-menopause symptoms come and go - and manufacturers of these sorts of things play on the fact that we will often try anything to eliminate the unpleasant symptoms. and also that we will attribute any improvement in our symptoms to their product - even though it is either placebo or the improvement was happening anyway due to hormones, or even the weather!

I really hope you feel better soon :).

Hurdity x

I wonder how long Belinda Carlisle lasted on HERS before she lobbed it into the long grass too! :o


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