Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Natural alternatives to vagifem?

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--- Quote from: Jenna on July 25, 2015, 09:04:36 AM ---Hi - was your urine sent to the lab for testing to confirm that you had an infection? With VA it can feel as if you have a UTI when you don't actually have one.

You might like to have a look at the 'Yes' website - they have a water-based vaginal moisturiser, which is hypoallergenic and very gentle. This is also available on prescription. I use it on the days I don't use an oestrogen cream (Estriol), just to keep comfortable, but I have also used it for several months when not using the oestrogen. Worth a try maybe if you don't want to use Vagifem!

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The original UTI story was a long and winding one, which ended up with me having to go private to see a urologist who came up with vaginal atrophy as the actual solution. It's useful, though, to know that VA can give you that feeling, as maybe that's what I'm experiencing today.

I had heard about Yes, but at the moment (till I change my mind!  :) I think I am going to need something more powerful.


--- Quote from: CLKD on July 25, 2015, 11:54:50 AM ---Use the product?  DH and I were discussing alternatives at breakfast by our pond this morning.  It does depend on the product.  Sometimes the active ingredient is so small it would be impossible to administer without 'packaging' i.e. tablet or capsule around the drug component.  The packaging can be made of various products and sometimes contains lactose.  It is rarely the medication that the person has reaction to but may well be the packaging!

Local oestrogen needs to be used regularly to keep the vaginal tissue well plumped or symptoms will recur.

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Thanks for that, CLKD!

So use the product as prescribed.  That will give you some relieve and as it's an occasional dosage every 3/4 and every 4/5 nights after the initial loading 2 weeks, it really isn't much.  Add to that a good lubrication your vagina should soon feel more comfortable.


--- Quote from: CLKD on July 25, 2015, 03:28:38 PM ---So use the product as prescribed.  That will give you some relieve and as it's an occasional dosage every 3/4 and every 4/5 nights after the initial loading 2 weeks, it really isn't much.  Add to that a good lubrication your vagina should soon feel more comfortable.

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I now intend to - which will mean I'll have to stop reading all the horror stories about side-effects, 'it didn't work', etc etc etc! Fingers crossed I get through the initial two weeks (when, the urologist, 'things could seem to be getting worse') OK ...

Why would things get worse  :-\ and which urologist?  I had almost instant relief with the pessaries, now withdrawn due to 'lack of demand' ……… so my GP prescribed Ovestin1mg. 


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