Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Natural alternatives to vagifem?

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Sadly, I don't think there is a natural alternative to Vagifem/Ovestin - not one that is effective long-term anyway.  While I was waiting to be diagnosed, I tried Sea Buckthorn, dietary changes, wearing loose clothing, not washing with harsh products etc, etc, etc, but I was still in a lot of pain by the time the GP agreed diagnosis and prescribed Ovestin for me.  I still do these things as I think it can only help, but I would never want to rely on them totally.  VA is treatable but NOT reversible, so to my way of thinking, it's not worth risking messing around with alternatives because by the time I realise it's not working, I will have got worse.

It may feel worse for the first few weeks of use - I was so sore by the time I started using Ovestin, that I think anything would have irritated the tissue there at first.  But within a couple of weeks, it was much better.

BTW, I can recommend Faith in Nature's feminine wash.  I used to use Vagisil, but found it could 'burn' sometimes if I was having a bad day, but I've been using FiN for months and not had any discomfort at all.  Worth a try for anyone who can't bear to use nothing and finds the Vagisil irritating.

Checked out the Mayo Clinics website.  The best 'natural remedy' they recommend is MORE SEX.  ::) :-\ ;)

Please don't tell my husband  ;D - he's been telling me that for years  ::)

Dancinggirl - start the ball rolling.  Print off your 'poster' suggestions and put into your local Surgeries, Vet. Practices, Libraries?  If it works then make posters for general distribution?

I think that bicarbonate of soda diluted in water was a 'go to' remedy for the Victorians and later on.  Epsom salt baths. 

I see that there has been some positive research on this which is great.:)  However in UK we have vagifem and estriol and this product (vaginal DHEA) is not available here - so why would anyone want to use it as a natural alternative in preference to the bio-identical products we already have very cheaply on NHS, if it works by conversion to estradiol and/or testosterone, unless due to allergy to all the consituents of what we have already?  ie it is no more or less natural than what is already available. If the vaginal preparation does become approved over here - then that would be excellent because it would be one other hormonal vaginal product women could use - and hopefully it has different fillers which would mean another choice for women who are sensitive to existing products.:)

Hurdity x


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