Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Natural alternatives to vagifem?

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I certainly couldn't have survived the feeling of razor blades up there without medication.  Let us know how you get on  ;)

I use vagisil wash every day which can be bought in any  chemist or  superstore.  It works for me. Worth a try. Xx

I use Vagifem, have done for 6 years and it is very effective.  However in the beginning I was wary and I read that vitamin E capsules can be effective but I never tried them.  I have also read good reports about coconut oil but I do believe that these things will only soothe and not last long.

Touch wood I don't suffer with this problem like you ladies.  However, I have been wondering what our mother and grandmothers did, if they had this problem?  What was the remedies, either prescribed or home made, that they would have used?

And, most importantly, did they do any good?

(I may do a google search later and see if I can find out)

breeze - this is still a very taboo subject so I doubt in the pita ladies shared ways of coping - I think the poor things simply put up with it.  So many women were simply put on ‘happy pills' (and still are by many GPs) they possibly opted out of life and put up with the discomfort.
My mother put up with horrid pain for about 18 months before going to the doctor - clearly she was used to being uncomfortable - when  it got really bad she finally went to the doctor and was examined, she had advanced stage vulva cancer!!!!
I would like there to be some articles in popular magazines about urogenital atrophy e.g. - Good HouseKeeping - women need to be educated about all this. Some leaflets and posters at GPs surgeries wouldn't' go amiss
A poster could say:
Are you feeling uncomfortable around your ‘lady bit's?
Do you need to pee more often?
Do you get burning or itching?
Do you get UTI type symptoms?
Do ask the nurse or GP as treatments are available.
Women should not be suffering in this way when treatment is available.
DG x


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