Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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Hi , everyone, ive not been scared off from the forum but do feel that some post do tend to not come across all that sympathetic sorry, n HRT and anti depressants are pushed alot, its great that its wrking for lots of women but i for one aint allowed it n aint gonig to take it,
I do eat healthly, i dont drink or smoke, i exersise at the gym3 times a week, i have 4 dogs to walk, 3 step kids living with me, a beautiful granddaughter i have 4 times a week whilst my son n daughterinlaw go to wrk, i also get up at 5 am n go to wrk , then go to wrk again at dinner time, ( i clean at school n welfare assistant at dinner time) , i take n evening primrose, Vitamins, i only weigh 9 st, and im only 48, but only feel 20 lol and have always been like this well for ever really, :)), i have bad days now n again but thats when i come on here to have a chat n asked about sage n thought there would be people who do the herbal side or alternative therapys for menopause, but looks like that got lost some were lol, anyway thanx for all the info n thankyou to the ones who felt thecsame as me about hrt n do the herbal way felt better knowing theres more of us :)) x

You keep posting. It's always good to have other suggestions and ideas on the forum and your ideas are as valid as anyone else's.


Hi Zodiac - I'm sorry you feel you haven't received good support from us all.
We all have to tread our own path - finding ways to deal with what life throws at us.
I have personally tried many, if not most, of the alternative remedies and herbs etc. sadly with little success but  I do accept that many people do benefit. Your lifestyle sounds fab and is probably your best remedy.
DG xxx

Hi all, yeh my life style is good, sage prob stopped wrking it could be the weather being to hot, or my body needs a break as with most herbal stuff, any way at the mo they have calmed down and are bareable n its good, it minght be with the new thing im taking after loads of reasurch n read the reviews so ill just see how this goes for a while, plus my hot sweats could be worse coz its been just over 3 mths since i hhad a period which is great lol like this part of meno hahaha, anyway off to wrk
Bye x

Crikey! do you eat 3 Weetabix each morning  ;D

We have a dog thread - do join in ('cos I'm nosey)


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