Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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"The HRT message comes across very strong, almost evangelical at times"

Perhaps those posting and backing comments like this can elucidate to the posts that defend such a claim.

To elude to others giving their time to the posts should find themselves to be characterized in the same way as religious groups or people with a crusading enthusiasm even zealous outlook on HRT, just lets down those of us posting in good faith.

I'll await confirmation on some examples of posts that led to such a comment in the first place.



--- Quote from: peegeetip on June 28, 2015, 10:32:31 PM ---"The HRT message comes across very strong, almost evangelical at times"

Perhaps those posting and backing comments like this can elucidate to the posts that defend such a claim.

To elude to others giving their time to the posts should find themselves to be characterized in the same way as religious groups or people with a crusading enthusiasm even zealous outlook on HRT, just lets down those of us posting in good faith.

--- End quote ---

Aren't you evangelical about HRT? I certainly am - or at least BHRT. I see far too many friends suffering from symptoms and getting no help from their GPs, it's heart breaking. I know how much better I feel.

I'm also evangelical about nutrition, natural medicine, the great outdoors and a number of other things. Evangelical means "zealous in advocating a particular cause" - passioned, devout, devoted.  Why on earth would you see that as something negative?

GG x

Hi everyone,
I do appreciate all the advise given, but i really really cannot take hrt n im not going to even take the risk on my health as i have had a brush with death a few yrs back just with taking anadin for my migrains when i first started with this crazy shit ( menapause) lol, my stomach poped n a blood vessel burst n i threw up blood filled a couple of large carrier bags the strong ones, any way i lost lots off blood was in n out of consesnes ( prob spelt wrong lol ) two drips in my arms one in each n 6 /7 pints of blood put back into me
Anyway im coping with the menapause i have good days n bad, but hubby isnt handleing it at all, even tho hes read the advise for men, he just aint helping or sympathetic, its like he blames me for how i am, like i can control it, the mood swings etc, he doesnt come near me, we only have sex if i instigate it, n his excuse is hes gone from nothing to me wanting it again n he aint used to it, arrrr i dont get it youd think he would b happy to have that part of me back again, coz if thats ok im ok lol  things n life run smoother,
I just dont understand why hes like this, may be after 8 yrs of crap from me hes stopped loving me but he says he does , so im stummped, think hes got my menapause lol

>wave< MEN  >:(

Hi GeordieGirl

I understand where your coming from but I don't think this was mentioned in a positive way by others.

I'm certainly seeing and feeling the benefits of HRT first hand but would never be a zealot and push someone to do something they can't or don't want. The issues people perceive with HRT are their own and they must resolve to fix them the best way when all is said and done. If we can open up and give some feelings and findings to help then great.

So glad your being so positive about your experience but sad to hear you have some many friends like Zodiac who continue to suffer.

Hi Zodiac

sorry to hear about your health scare. I've certainly heard that drugs like the brand you mentioned can be strong on your stomach.
However I'm not aware of HRT causing similar complaints.
If anything it would be more likely to calm and protect your stomach and digestive system.
HRT is known to help prevent large bowel cancers which is notoriously difficult to spot and test for.

The saying lightening doesn't strike twice in the same spot should apply here :)

I Hope you get the help you need to make things better for you and your husband.



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