Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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With BJ and HB on this one. It can feel like those who find HRT helps them dismiss those of us who can't or have decided for whatever reason not to take it are misguided in some way. I also have not been 'frightened away' but for medical reasons cannot take HRT. Nor do I believe in 'hedgerow cures' which it was also suggested those who are willing to try alternative treatments have been accused of doing.. ADs have helped me and have been shown to be an alternative approach but I wouldn't dream of suggesting they are a solution for anyone else. MM is just a sounding board for all of us trying to get through this time in our lives in the best way we can, it should be where we feel comfortable , able to pass on our experiences but never to suggest that others views are wrong or indeed that there is only one way forward.
It makes me personally feel very uncomfortable when posters seem to be 'battling' each other, let's all take a step back , enjoy each other's thoughts  and experiences and look forward to coming out the other side of menopause.


at the risk of making a really lame joke, there are a lot of 'sage' comments here and we can all resolve to listen more and be kind to one another.  The only person to really lose out is Zodiac, the original poster, and that is a shame.


--- Quote from: thorntrees on June 26, 2015, 07:34:25 PM ---With BJ and HB on this one. It can feel like those who find HRT helps them dismiss those of us who can't or have decided for whatever reason not to take it are misguided in some way. I also have not been 'frightened away' but for medical reasons cannot take HRT. Nor do I believe in 'hedgerow cures' which it was also suggested those who are willing to try alternative treatments have been accused of doing.. ADs have helped me and have been shown to be an alternative approach but I wouldn't dream of suggesting they are a solution for anyone else. MM is just a sounding board for all of us trying to get through this time in our lives in the best way we can, it should be where we feel comfortable , able to pass on our experiences but never to suggest that others views are wrong or indeed that there is only one way forward.
It makes me personally feel very uncomfortable when posters seem to be 'battling' each other, let's all take a step back , enjoy each other's thoughts  and experiences and look forward to coming out the other side of menopause.


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I do agree with you that people need to use what best suits them albeit AD's, HRT or alternative remedies, there is no one size fits all. Some many even chose to use all three, or any two of the three, and that's fine we all have to get through this as best we can.

However I still maintain that this is the only forum on the net where women who take HRT are not looked on as odd or stigmatised, maybe what goes on elsewhere is a bi-product of the 2001/2003 studies where those taking it halved overnight.

It does seem odd that after 14 years, two studies still have such a profound effect on many people. I guess the newspapers at the time got hold of it and scared the general female populace away from HRT in a huge way, and there has been a massive hangover effect from that, that still goes on today.

I'm sure it must have been very frightening for those who were using hormones at the time, especially if they had been on them for say 10 or 12 years. If my dodgy memory serves me right when HRT came along in the late 50's or 60's it was kind of hailed as a bit of a miriacle drug as in those that took it, it negated 85% of women's main meno symptoms especially hot flushes and night sweats - so in a way it was miracle drug as nothing had done that up to then.

If you go on other forums and mention you are taking HRT often the reaction is as though you are taking crack cocaine rather than a little bit of oestrogen and progesterone to keep you ticking over as your own depletes.

I do think that is why to some of the non users on here may feel users can be a bit evangelical about it, but users are probably very grateful that they have finally found a place they can talk freely about using HRT. 

According to my GP it does work for 85% of women and often the reason it doesn't work for the other 15%  is that can't tolerate side effects that occur during the first three months so give up or keep swapping brands, although it makes sense to change if something upsets you like giving you bad tummies etc.

I know none of that helps those who are contraindicated though because of family history of breast cancer or strokes.

We all have to do the best we can with what is out there, and try and be supportive of others.

Nice post Nemesis, I do like your open minded and fair style of posting  :) .

My final word on this (as some of the comments have been made directly towards myself) is this - I have no issue with ladies who tell of their experiences with HRT however passionate or enthusiastic they are.  My problem with it starts with the 'you should look into HRT', or 'you need it for your bones' in response to another member's questions. 

It would be far kinder to say 'you could', implying that there are options, so new members like Zodiac here don't feel as though they are not being listened to.

that is my final word as I am not here to fuel debates or disagreements.


--- Quote from: zodiac on June 17, 2015, 09:45:17 PM ---Hi
I have been  taking sage for probably over a year now, and over the past month it seems to have stopped working as my hot sweats have come back , also i get the hot flush, which is horrible as my face goes really red n feels very hot, and i can feel sickly when it happens, luckly the flush doesnt happen to offten but the sweats are through the day n nite,
I was taking black cohosh but had a reaction to it were my boobs were very sore from Armpit rite down to my boob on both side, doctor said it was my glands swolen up as the black cohosh had to much eastrogen in for me, and my doctor said to come off it,and it took a few months for the soreness to go,  so ive been trailing the web to find anything about sage not working anymore, but no luck lol, so was wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what they did, also whilst trailing the web about sage found some saying that its not that good to take long term like i have as it can cause seziures n liver probs and that was a nhs site, also saw that folic acid was good at stopping hot sweats  if any one knows anything i would appreciate hearing about it
Thanx Zodiac 😀

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Hi Zodiac

I can't give any thoughts on why the sage has stopped working for you.  Have you tried Agnus Castus?  I know with herbs, it's good to have a mix with Agnus Castus or Black Cohosh as the main ingredient.  Maybe it is worth you having a chat with a herbalist, some shops/manufacturers have free helplines where you can chat to a herbalist.

Regards nutritional therapy, studies have shown that Vitamin E and Vitamin C can help manage hot fushes. It is good to take these with a probiotic to help the body 'process' the vitamins properly

Hope one of these ideas is helpful for you.


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