Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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Totally agree BJ. tell someone that is offensive and you have no right to do so.

It's posts like that that scare off new members.

To be honest I think an apology is tell another member that their opinion is not valid, and is just in their own mind is neither warranted nor valid.

Just because others disagree is no reason to be rude.


Let me be devils advocate.  I think Peegeetip was just trying to clarify that all advice given is coming from a good place and if HRT related, it is in no way forcing people to try it, rather advising.  Equally, I can understand how Babyjane has interpreted some comments from posters, as many are great advocates of HRT and are passionate about it to the point it may seem a bit full on.  All comments are valid and given to help.  Now, let's all have a big cyber hug from me!  Mandy43 aka  :boobs: (this is what the peri has done to me haha)

We need to read carefully each response.  We need to see if it relates to where we are 'today' and if necessary, save the info gleaned for use now or in the future.  By sharing experiences we all get to learn and hopefully can pass on info to others who may require it.

Knowledge is power.

To tell another member her thoughts and opinions are

"Just in your own mind "

Is helpful and supportive how exactly  :-\


 :-X          ;) ……… the written word and all that?


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