Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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Just to say again. Everyone is different.

Just because a parent or sibling reacts in a particular way to a drug, food, chemical etc.
There is no reason to think that this will affect yourself or others in the same way.
My own mother dose not tolerate certain antibiotics well, however I've never had an issue on these same antibiotics.
Had I followed that same view as others then I'd have removed options that I needed to help my health.

People can follow this sort of view and gain some comfort in that.
However if we all chose this route then we'd never take anything in fear that we may have the same reaction.

I hope others can get passed this problem and seek the solutions they might need.


Pity I missed this thread as I would have liked to 'speak' to zodiac as I am someone who gets easily swayed by opinions and sometimes I don't know which way to turn.

I have found this forum so helpful and I know more than I did when I started, especially about anxiety and that is a real help.  But the HRT message comes across very strong, almost evangelical at times, and because of my personality sometimes I feel I should be trying it and am letting myself down by not doing so.  I know this is incorrect but it is just the way I interpret things sometimes.

We are so lucky to have so many choices and can usually find a path that suits us but if you are feeling confused and upset it is easy to over react, I do it myself at times. I think this may be what has happened to Zodiac.

We just need to remember that this is Menopause Matters, ie all matters relating to Menopause.  The forum is not called HRT Matters and HRT is an aspect of the whole Menopause thingy  :)

Give that girl a very large  :medal: or even two.

That really needed to be said.


"The HRT message comes across very strong, almost evangelical at times"

Sorry babyjane but if you think that then its just in your own mind.

From what I see from ladies on HRT, its mentioned in the context of how its helped them, the options, the journey etc.
I've not seen the evidence of your above point.

To say otherwise just lets down those on the forum that give their time to share their journeys through peri and meno.

If others gain from that and if its gives a few ladies some hope, solace and relief, then the world is better for it.

Your not letting yourself down, your just part of a generation that's been frightened away from whats possible.

Thanks to MM and all who contribute.

Maybe I imagined it then, but if you can say things as you see them then so can I and if it is not in line with your own opinions that does not make me wrong. 

I have not been 'frightened away' from anything and I am not missing out on anything which your final comment seems to imply.  I have made the decision that is right for me and I stick by it, and it is comments such as yours that lead me to the conclusion you are slating me for.


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