Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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"I dont know if i will continue yet posting on here as theres not that many understanding members lol"

If this is how zodiac feels then that's a real real shame for all of us. 
Its also a bit of a slap in the face for people who post with care and support in mind.
Perhaps some are reading more into some posts than they should.
Just because people don't want to go down the herbal route or see it for what they think it is then that's their view too. None of the posts expressed on the forum are harsh or uncaring.
To state otherwise is somewhat extreme in itself.
I don't see what the fuss is about tbh.

No one is forcing her to do anything on this post either.
To have people imply this also is a bit low.

I see what she say's regarding her mum but I've no idea how she could even contemplate an exact same result for her? If she's willing to take that from 5 Doc's without trial or proof then that is her choice and one we must understand for now.

I hope she finds something soon to help her  :-\

The women only asked about sage.  :o

That was it and she was given advice on HRT.

It's not the first member we have lost and I suspect it won't be the last.

I don't think she even suggested anyone was forcing her she just wanted an answer to one particular question .

Of course we all try to answer sensitively but obviously not sensitive enough for some very new members.

If of course we had a dedicated thread.....but I'm repeating myself yet again.

This member was not asking about HRT.


I agree there should be another folder/forum section for Vits/Mins/Herbal and other potions.

The trouble is if we look at these in isolation then there is a skewed view on what people can hope and expect to get from these other options.

In the case of zodiac the painful breasts is a classic sign that her own hormones are still up and down. Whether she uses a Herb or not.

The main issue was the comment on the black cohosh somehow magically containing estrogen too.

Either way there is a lot of hokum out there in relation to this topic and people need to take care.


Also even if herbs help ease initial symptoms, once hormones take over  >:( : and on going to the GP some ladies are told that HRT isn't adviseable/allowed if family members have suffered certain cancers even though recent Reports are more positive: it is important that ladies are made aware that this doesn't necessarily mean that HRT is a no-no.  They may not have browsed all the Forum if they want a specific answer. 

Hopefully Zodiac is 'watching' ……..  :-\

Watching and probably thinking err what have I started.

It's a very emotive subject because some have an open mind and others most obviously don't.



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