Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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Zodiac - just thought, this is not herbal but have you tried acupuncture?  Prior to my menopausal symptoms becoming impossible, I managed for a long time very successfully with acupuncture - it really really helped.  That and exercise and massage.  So if you haven't tried it, it would be worth a try. I've had a variety of different acupuncturists over the years - I've liked the one's who have studied at Reading the best (ie graduated from there).  If you decide to try, make sure you pick someone who is properly licensed etc.


--- Quote from: mandy43 on June 20, 2015, 08:31:22 PM ---I'm just happy that ladies take the time out to reply to my posts, whether they push the wonders of hrt or not.  And I am very thankful for all input I am given :)

--- End quote ---

What a lovely thing to say mandy! I know that most women who post on here are gving freely of their time to try to help and certainly not "shoving" things at anyone!

zodiac - sorry to hear you are not feeling too good. As the others have said the reason the remedies are not working is because your body is probably changing anyway. The reason you can't find anything about these other remedies is because there isn't enough information on them nor evidence (yet) that they are safe and effective treatments for menopause. As you have found some remedies are not advised in the long term like Black cohosh etc.

Have you seen the information on this website about alternatives treaments to HRT? There is also a leaflet produced by the Royal College of Obstetricians summarising what is known about different treatements - it is due to be updated soon I see!

Regarding not taking HRT - ie whether you are medically able or not to do so - here is the information on this site about the situations where women are normally not advised to take it :

Contraindications for HRT.

    Undiagnosed abnormal vaginal bleeding
    Active or recent blood clot or myocardial infarction (heart attack)
    Suspected or active breast or endometrial (womb) cancer
    Active liver disease with abnormal liver function tests
    Porphyria cutanea tarda

I don't know your particular circumstances in detail but you may find that nowadays the advice has changed and there shoukld be no risk in your case especially as you are still younger than the average age of menopause when the risk statistics start to come into play.

By the way most HRT if you choose carefully is as "natural" as you can get ie the hormones are the same as the ones produced in our bodies and they are made from plants - and safer in the long term than Black Cohosh!!

As I said earlier - all the women on here have given advice and suggestions based on their knowledge and/or experience - and are trying to help you!

Sorting out the reasonable from the dubious is difficult and there are many many "remedies" out there which tell you they are "good" for menopause. Many of them are food supplements which may or may not beenfit your general health or provide some nutrient which is lacking - which will make you feel better in yourslef but not actually work to reduce menopausal symptoms. The only real way to know whether to try something or not is to listen to the suggestions and then read a summary of the scientific evidence - from trials - which give an objective result. Otherwise you may well be wasting your money!

I am sure you are also looking into all the lifestyle and diet aspects (good fresh diet, more exercise, keeping to a healthy weight, taking more exercise, reducing alcohol, stopping smoking) which can only be of benefit at this stage in your life and will help you cope better with symptoms - lots of info here:

Do hope you manage to find something to make you feel better  :)

Hurdity x

thanks Hurdity! The ladies, like yourself, who have commented on my posts have helped me through some dark hours and given me the confidence to get through gyno appts.  We really mustn't lose sight when we are posting that everyone who comes forward to offer advice is doing so to help us. 

I agree - but it seems that Zodiac isn't part-taking any more …….  :-\ ……….

that's a shame, but I suppose forums aren't for everyone :-\


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