Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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>wave< Morning Zodiac!

As I dropped off to sleep at 11.40 I had 2 thoughts: 1, do you stick to the same manufacturer of sage? 2, do you take it at the same time? and 3, how is your diet over-all?  Sometimes flushing/sweats can be caused when the body is hungry!

I haven't watched This Morning for years but always valued Dr Chris' opinions and when Jan de Vriess was on The Jimmy Young Show he always gave good advice without being pushy.

Quality of Life is what is important to me and if I find a product which works, then I go for it.  Sorry you don't feel that I am listening to you ………. whether that equates with not being understanding, because the written word is static, is a different issue. 

I took The Pill for 11 years then opted for sterilisation as the chemical was causing depressive episodes.  Up until then the drug had done it's job for me  ;)

I'm just happy that ladies take the time out to reply to my posts, whether they push the wonders of hrt or not.  And I am very thankful for all input I am given :)

I think that there maybe more of us not taking hrt than we think but because we don't post so much because we can't advise on hrt we're less visible?  :-\
Just a thought  ;)

That is precisely the reason I requested a dedicated alternatives thread where woman who chose not to or could not take HRT for whatever reason could come and post about their individual experiences and be comfortable doing so without being told that alternatives don't work. Not exactly helpful for someone who is struggling.

Unfortunately despite having a lot of support our request was.....well not denied but quietly ignored with no reasons being given

It's a real shame to be honest because the forum looses members over this and there are a lot of women who need support who are not getting it.


Hi Hb

I think that a lot of our members have strong views on hrt because it's been such a life saver for them, which is great. But we're all different and it's good to get different views. I choose not to take hrt because I'm coping at the moment but I wouldn't rule it out if my symptoms became a lot worse.

I don't feel intimidated on here, I read all the fantastic advice and I'm grateful for the support but I can see that sometimes opinions get a bit full on and it would be good to have a thread for us lot not on hrt  :)



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