Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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Sorry you felt like that zodiac. It's unfair when you ask questions re alternatives you get HRT shoved at you by less than understanding members.

Please don't let that put you off posting because we are not all the same.

Although I do take HRT I have an interest in alternative medicine and am really interested to read what others are trying to alleviate meno symptoms.

I hope you continue to contribute to the forum as we need to listen to all points of view.


My gyno told me the other day that sore boobs is from high progesterone levels and not estrogen.  So that doesn't really fit with what you were told.  I have this problem and was concerned I have too much estrogen and he said no, it;s the opposite?

Why are you unable to take HRT?  Sometimes alternatives can be un-reliable as they don't give a 'measured' dose as medication approved by NICE would do.

Zodiac said: "sage found some saying that its not that good to take long term like i have as it can cause seziures n liver probs and that was a nhs site ……. "

However: she also said:  "i cant put somert in my body that has the potential to ruin my health n life ……… "  :-\

It is probably your own hormones having a surge = over-riding the benefits you have had from taking sage.  Are you taking the optimum amount?

Hi hunnybun,
I  dont know if i will continue yet posting on here as theres not that many understanding members lol, i feel like noone is reading wot i have said, as i cant n wont take hrt, its because of family medical history that i cant take hrt also my mum took it was only one tablet like but it sent her blood preasure skyhigh n if my dad hadnt got the doctor she could have had a heart attack, i know theres gona b members who will say that it minght not hapoen to me but 5 doctors have said no way am i allowed anything hormonal i had to stop the pill when i got to 30, coz it didnt agree with me even the mini pill didnt so got steralised,
I only came on here to find out if anyone else had gone herbal and  if sage had stopped wrking for them but just had a few saying hrt this n hrt that, n i dont ferl like ive been listened to if i could take hrt i would be lol, n like i also said im over the worst the depression has gone, sex drive is on its way back, anxiety aint as bad n i can eat cheeze n oranges they dont trigger my migrains anymore :)) n its goiod goin mths without a period lol,
Im thinking of goin on redclover and see how that goes again
Also been looking at the Neutrition FX that dr chris steal of this morning program endorses, the reviews are good thats a mung bean n like i said reviews are good dont know how to get a link to it but just google FX menapause :)) anyway off to sleep nite x

Hi Zodiac.
I do sympathise with your point of view re HRT. I too can't have it for various reasons and have felt that  those for whom it is a solution tend to think it is the only way forward. All our experiences are different both peri and post menopause and MM should be a forum where all approaches to helping at this difficult time can be discussed equally. I haven't tried sage personally but have used Kalms in the past for anxiety, given up caffeine in the evenings and found tisserands lavender very calming also. I wouldn't dream of suggesting that any of these will work for anyone else but hearing about things others have tried can be useful.
One of the most important aspects of the forum is knowing that others are going through the same experiences, it can be comforting on the bad days to know you are not alone and sometimes easier to discuss problems and possible solutions in a semi-anonymous way if you see what I mean.
Do hope you feel you can continue being a part of the forum, we all need support on this journey.



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