Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Sage doesn't work any more

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I have been  taking sage for probably over a year now, and over the past month it seems to have stopped working as my hot sweats have come back , also i get the hot flush, which is horrible as my face goes really red n feels very hot, and i can feel sickly when it happens, luckly the flush doesnt happen to offten but the sweats are through the day n nite,
I was taking black cohosh but had a reaction to it were my boobs were very sore from Armpit rite down to my boob on both side, doctor said it was my glands swolen up as the black cohosh had to much eastrogen in for me, and my doctor said to come off it,and it took a few months for the soreness to go,  so ive been trailing the web to find anything about sage not working anymore, but no luck lol, so was wondering if anyone else has had this happen and what they did, also whilst trailing the web about sage found some saying that its not that good to take long term like i have as it can cause seziures n liver probs and that was a nhs site, also saw that folic acid was good at stopping hot sweats  if any one knows anything i would appreciate hearing about it
Thanx Zodiac 😀

I would suspect that your hormones are over-riding any benefits you felt from the sage.

If you're drawn to herbal remedies, have you thought about consulting a professional herbalist?  They might be able to give you some advice and would be knowledgable about herbal prescriptions.

Here's a link to finding practitioners:

"black cohosh had too much eastrogen"
Just where is your doc getting this?!

I really must admit this comment takes the biscuit, no medals here :)

The sage working for a while is likely just to have coincided with a lighter time in your roller coast peri/meno experience.
Your now past that and probably need to top up on the hormones now to head off the heat/sweat/flush symptoms.

A lot of pain that woman experience around peri/meno is due to the changes going on in your breasts due to sudden loss of estrogen hormones. The breast will go through changes if we don't use HRT.

So the pains in your breast could also just be your fluctuating hormones themselves.
Since taking HRT, my own breast pains have receded and feeling much better now.

As others have said, if the herbal route actually worked then they'd be prescribing it.

Hope you feel better soon.


I have bern suffering for 8 yrs and the breast soreness has never happened only the usual fullness when i was due on, but this only happened when i took the cohosh, i have seen a meno doc and i can not under any circumstances can i use hrt, i cant use antidepressants either as i have the side affects they cause as ive tryed them,
I do go to a herbal practitioner n ended up buying loads of stuff that only wrked for a while, lol , but  think my body is gona do somert soon as people are naffin me off very quickly
But i know im over the worst as im not suffering from depression , like i did at first, i can now eat cheeze n oranges n dark chocolate n drink coffee not that i drink much tea or coffee only the one brew to wake up with , n life is good, 😀 and after looking at the link i was sent anout aging breasts i can honestly say mine still sit were they were yrs ago , no streatch marks no saggin , or nipples pointint in different directions no crinkly skin saggy skin, i have none of the stuff it says on the site i was sent a link to  im very lucky to still have the figure etc i had yrs ago n never got streatch marks after 3 kids soo im one of the lucky ones but im a younge 48 yr old nana, n mum, very active n think the pec deck n chest press machines at the gym help keep my chest on my chest hahaha :))


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