Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone had early menopause and not used HRT?

<< < (20/21) > >>

Honorsmum - goosebumps reading "mummy, my brain has gone quiet!" Blessed relief for her, for you, that this route proved effective - you both sound like aware, attentive and loving parents to me :)



--- Quote from: BrightLight on February 12, 2015, 10:24:06 PM ---Honorsmum - goosebumps reading "mummy, my brain has gone quiet!" Blessed relief for her, for you, that this route proved effective - you both sound like aware, attentive and loving parents to me :)

--- End quote ---

Yes, quite an incredible moment - even her consultant remarked what a perceptive observation that was for a 7 year old.

I don't work with children anymore but my heart will always be stirred by memories of amazing individuals, those with challenges, those without, there is more than meets the eye, the rule books etc with ALL of us.  Though I have noticed that many of the children with additional needs or challenges have incredible insight, whether that is the parenting, which I think it might be or the mere human spirit that is determined, I don't know.

I think if all children feel they have the freedom to adapt, learn, change, express and find their way in a supportive environment at a young age, they are set for life, whatever there particular 'make-up' is.

My friends son is finally learning enough about himself to challenge his own behaviour, he might not be able to stop his anxieties all the time, but he talks in a way that us adults have to learn from Claire Weekes books!  He says, mummy 'that's just my angry brain and I think I need to go and distract myself' x


Sadly, I think you have totally misunderstood us on this thread, janm.

Some great posts on this thread. Just wondered if any of you still on forum and if so, how you're feeling/getting on now? X


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