Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone had early menopause and not used HRT?

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--- Quote from: silverlady on February 03, 2015, 11:30:17 AM ---I do support you whole heartedly Brightlight and there will be many members who do to.

If you feel you want thread deleted then you can PM Emma and ask and explain why you want it removed.

I think you may find that if you don't  removed it you will find other women will be posting to support you.

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Thank you very much for the well rounded reply.  I am certain that a lot of my issue is adrenal fatigue and it really is my belief that this contributes to symptoms in menopause - so I need to address that as well and my GP will not address that unless I have a 'disease' develop. 

Natural to me doesn't alone mean herbs etc for me it is wholistic thinking an integrative approach.  So many women enter menopause in an exhausted state for one reason or another, I know I am and without addressing that, HRT will be helping but not necessarily healing the root problem.  That is why we are told to address our stress levels, look at our lives etc......this is all a factor in heart disease etc.  Saying all that, if low sex hormones do turn out to be my issue, I'll take the HRT as I would a thyroid hormone or anything else that I literally cannot make or be healthy without. If that turns out to be the solution to my problems I will be happy, but I suspect it isn't.

Long term balancing of our health and wellbeing is hard and if we have a hormonal imbalance pre or post menopause, for me, that is the issue to address.  The UK doesn't look at it this way, the states and Australia take an integrative approach to the endocrine system much more and it is possible to find regular doctors that will take into acount your adrenal and thryoid function as well as your sex hormones.

Why is it that we need HRT much more than we did?  I wonder whether it is because we are neglecting the stress and strain on the other systems and it's all gone way out of balance.  I really do know that for me that my body isn't just suffering from low sex hormones, so I need to address it all and that's quite a big thing to tackle without the support of my GP.


--- Quote from: honorsmum on February 03, 2015, 11:39:17 AM ---As you are not at the point of having to make a decision, and may well be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of info out there, might it help to make a pact with yourself that you will wait until you've seen the private GP - and then research any suggestions she makes?

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Thank you and I like your suggestion - I am going to take a step back.  There are new crocus and snowdrops out there and I'm going to go look at those - although it's bitterly cold with a few flakes of snow.

I think also most of the ladies on here actually have meno symptoms and want to help those symptoms so they can get on with life.

You are certainly thinking well ahead and until the flushes etc started i never gave menopause a single thought thinking I would be fine.

Am sure you are right to be investigating it all now as heart disease is the biggest killer of women in this country.

Why is it that we need HRT much more than we did?

Actually after all the false scares we use it less.

I think what we are seeing is a resurgence of ladies unwilling to write off their quality of life anymore.
Whilst wondering why someone hid the information and solutions from them.

As I said on the other post best wishes in the choices you make.


You need an e.level of 300 to protect your.bones.  i am in early surgical meno and was.told by nock.panay the top hrt guy that it was riskier not to use hrt until 51 than to.  It for heart health, bones, cognitive function which it helps with.  I met a.lady at.the daisy network conference who had started early meno at 28 and had.not taken hrt at just 45 she had.the.bones of a 70 year.old.  scary. 


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