Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone had early menopause and not used HRT?

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Hi Silverlady

I did not say low and ultra low didnt protect.

"All HRT will go some way to help this. However in terms of the medical side the medium dose HRT options and above are seen as helping your bone health and are certified to do this. Lower and Ultra low HRT are not."

The only ones that can be prescribed "officially" for bone protection reasons are the medium and higher doses.


How do I take this thread down?  I feel my approach isn't inline with the majority of members here and there isn't much support for people that are not using HRT - perhaps I have misunderstood the website? 

To me menopause is more than symptoms - it is a stage of life and it means different things to different people and one of those things is coming to terms with new health risks and aging bodies.  Those are the things I am dealing with really and HRT is just one of the strands I need to consider and make a choice about.

For me,  I need to keep the bigger picture in mind as well as treat any symptoms because without doing that it all feels a bit depressing


--- Quote from: peegeetip on February 03, 2015, 09:24:42 AM ---
The longer you put off HRT then there is less chance of the protection people are percieving on this front.
This is why recent views have said that taking the pill into peri and starting HRT sooner is seen as better for us in terms of looking after our cvd , circulation and bones for the longer term.

Your CVD risk can change relatively quickly ie less exercise, diet goes bad and unfortunately menopause too.

So its great to think about these things however keep in mind that the longer we wait and put things off then the longer things take for HRT to help and repair.

However in terms of areas like CVD and circulation, urinary , va and some breast changes these will not be fully fixed or reversed if HRT if it is taken later.


--- End quote ---

I totally hear what you are saying and if I have had abrupt Ovarian Failure I guess I am further down the path than I thought - but I am certainly not intending to wait 'too long' - this only happened 10 days ago. Perhaps I am just too upset with the sudden change to take any of this in - going to take a step back

I do support you whole heartedly Brightlight and there will be many members who do to.

When I first read your post last night my immediate reaction was to support what you said with my own views but decided against it thinking whats the point because from previous experience it has not gone down too well and it has in the past left me upset.

What you say is true this forum is pro HRT but there is another one on MM  in Personal Experiences, "How do you cope without HRT" and HRT good or bad"

I have used very low dose estrogen ( I have had a hysterectomy) supported by supplements and preventative health, but I support fiercely the right for any woman to decide for herself what is right and works for her even if it is not approved of by the majority. 

If you feel you want thread deleted then you can PM Emma and ask and explain why you want it removed.

I think you may find that if you don't  removed it you will find other women will be posting to support you.

I suspect the subject of HRT or not is as emotive as any other female subject - breast or bottle, home or hospital birth, work or stay at home...they all bring strong opinions and divides.

If you are seeing a holistic GP, Bright Light, you will be reassured that you will be getting a balanced view on the subject, and hopefully the best treatment for you, both physically and emotionally. I think it is very hard to make any decision, if you are not clear on all the pros and cons and only have limited knowledge and instinct to go on. As you are not at the point of having to make a decision, and may well be feeling overwhelmed by the amount of info out there, might it help to make a pact with yourself that you will wait until you've seen the private GP - and then research any suggestions she makes?


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