Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Anyone had early menopause and not used HRT?

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I may not be suitable for HRT and I am trying to find out as much as I can about alternatives routes.  I feel pretty sure the phytoestrogens, lifestlye and stress management can go along way towards a healthy body and mind.  Supplements for bone health and heart etc be honest, reading around on the internet it seems that unless you take HRT you are doomed to degeneration without enough hormones.  Is this really true?  I feel so ignorant about this.

I do appreciate that HRT is designed with the idea of protecting all the function that estrogen plays specifically heart and bone health, but what about all the other things - skin, teeth, digestive tract, does HRT really keep EVERYTHING ticking along that estrogen did?

I am 44 and really don't want to be thinking I am going to have a lower quality of life quickly if I can't take HRT - there may be family history that raises a risk.

Everything I read is so negative about the menopause without HRT and I am trying to find the light.  The closest woman to me is like a mum and she is 68 and had menopause at 47 and didn't take HRT due to her sister having breast cancer and the genes - she is doing great, looks fantastic.  I have no other women to reference and struggling with my choices

I can only say that my mum went through menopause in her late 40's, and is 80 now. Never had an operation, never been seriously ill, still has all her own teeth and a good head of hair, plus all her faculties, is still able to live independently on her own, drive, walk etc...and no HRT.

The current information says that you need to replace the hormones that should rightfully be yours.
Osteoporosis is a big threat as is heart problems and vaginal atrophy.

It's very much a personal decision but I would really do my homework before I ruled it out.

If you have a look at the menus on the left you will find lots of information and treatment choices.



--- Quote from: honorsmum on February 02, 2015, 10:08:01 PM ---I can only say that my mum went through menopause in her late 40's, and is 80 now. Never had an operation, never been seriously ill, still has all her own teeth and a good head of hair, plus all her faculties, is still able to live independently on her own, drive, walk etc...and no HRT.

--- End quote ---

I do think life is a lottery ticket sometimes - but without knowing ourown ticket, except in hindsight I guess it's best to go with the majority.  This is all so confusing to me  :-\

There's no perfect answer. Everybody's menopause is unique, after all. I always assumed I would do as my mum did and 'ride the hormonal wave' through my mid 50s without HRT. However, an endocrinologist made it quite clear to me that having such a low level of estrogen in my early 40s would be compromising my heart and bone health. If it was more superficial things like wrinkles and spots, I may have thought twice, but not when it comes to cardio vascular issues. I am taking it  - ' the journey' - a month or so at a time; just because I am on HRT now does not necessarily mean I will stay on it until I am post menopause. But for now, I feel like it's the safest option.

I am fairly sure that the previous research which identified potential risks with HRT did not not consider younger (under 50) women? X


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