Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cheap alternative to ladycare magnet 😊

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--- Quote from: Estelle on September 26, 2014, 06:47:04 AM --- :o That's not good!! Does that apply to iPads too I wonder??

--- End quote ---
i dunno. i know some laptop hard drives have fluffed up with these magnets.
I put my magnet on in bed and I didn't sweat this morning, just woke up hot.
I'm desperate for a cure to these flushes and sweats.

Chi chi:
It must be doing something then??
I don't get hot flushes as such although I do sometimes come over hot? And I'm sweating more and finding I need to use more deodorant  :o
I'm hoping it might help with my anxiety, aches and pains and bloating? If it doesn't work for me I'll give it mum to try as she's post menopausal but still gets hot flushes and really red faced  :(


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