Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Cheap alternative to ladycare magnet 😊

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Estelle Don't waste your time or money on this. There is no scientific evidence or basis for it other than placebo!

Hurdity x

Chi chi:
Too late Hurdity, I've already ordered it  :oops:  ::)
Oh well lol  no harm in trying I suppose? Can't make things any worse  ???

Will report back if anything improves  ;)

I was going to order ladycare but will stick with what I've got seems to help my flushes for a fraction of the price  :) :) 8)


I've got a ladycare magnet as my 2mg femoston sequi is not controlling my perimenopausal hot flushes and night sweats.

Here's the warning
I have read online in various places that ladycare magnets, and laptop computers don't go together, as the ladycare magnet can mess up the hard disk on your computer.

Chi chi:
 :o That's not good!! Does that apply to iPads too I wonder??


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