Menopause Discussion > Alternative Therapies

Red Clover Complex or Black Cohosh

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vitanana - are you from a company promoting Red Clover supplements? Just look at eh site and it seems to be selling ReD Clover!!!??? If you aren't selling anything that's fine but we are not allowed to promote products on the forum.  DG

Oh if she is that's a good one... ;D.

Just had a look at the link and previous posts.....yep sneaky without a doubt  ::)

Maybe ask Emma.


Did so - gone?

 I'm conscious that posts on supplements can take an hrt route and so was trying to avoid reference to the words hrt but obviously didn't do a very good job on it! I wanted to get across my very positive thoughts on supplements/alternatives etc, but at post meno stage I just haven't found anything that works for me.
Well done on spotting the commercial post- it went straight over my head.

The best alternatives to HRT I have found involve adjustments to lifestyle e.g.
Good simple diet. Avoid alcohol, coffee, tea or anything that can trigger a flush e.g. spicy food.
Plenty of rest.
Long brisk walks.
Regular Mindful Meditation.
Avoid any stress where possible. Keep life simple.
Stay indoors on hot days in summer  - only go out early morning and late evening.
Avoid hot places like shops, restaurants etc. - exception to this rule is supermarkets as they are usually air conditioned these days and standing by the freezer section can be bliss.
Only drive the car when feeling fully alert - lack of sleep can mean your reactions are slow.
Make sure the 'air con' in the car is working well.
Ultra light duvet or cotton throw used with light cotton sheets.
A Chillow or hot water bottle filled with icy water near head or feet can help cool you down after a night sweat.
Wear thin layers in natural fibres that you can shed when needed.
Lots of Omega 3 oils do seem to reduce the joint pains.
Invest in unscented body lotion that can be applied liberally to reduce itching and dryness.

Ater a year of practising these strategies I did give in and went back on Systemic HRT. During this year I had been using local oestrogen to try and keep the horrible burning urethra under control but this wasn't working that well. I was finding it really difficult to do my part time job because I was so tired all the time. I also suffered with horrible headaches most weeks so ended up taking too many pain killers. HRT is a compromise for me - I would rather not be using it. My meno symptoms are really life limiting so I dread being without HRT.  DG x


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