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How Long IS the Menopause....does anyone know?

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 :welcomemm:   You will find this a great support. X

Hello and VERY many thanks for taking the time to reply to my thread. I shall read them all again and again and take heart there are some nice and very helpful people out there. Also I know that HRT is probably the way to go but are there any over the counter remedies, read about a few: Menno, Rhod (something or other) as I will need something to go to the Docs - I haven't been near them for years..........irrational I know

Pixie - Thanks and Yes you are right x

CLKD - Read most of your posts you are a very wise and informed Lady! As for remote - Anglesey........

Evenstar - Know how you feel, but it some strange way it always helps when you find glam celebrities are years older than you! Used to believe that Age was just a number so the Menopause has a lot to answer for...... and as someone said I am 56 years young till August NOT 56 years old and I am using that as my MANTRA.......!

Honeybun - You're right, I just would like to see if there is anything over the counter first as I will need something to get me to the Drs first as i have an irrational fear of them.....

KatieLiz - Yes you are completely right - if only I could just "drop" in instead of having to make an appointment, plus they are new Dr's as we have recently moved so working up to that one

But THANKS everyone :thankyou:

Anglesey is only half remote  ;)  .......... do you have a GP on the Island or do you need to travel to Bangor?

Well thats a matter of opinion  ??? we moved here because it was the only place we could find where we could get a Nursing Home which we could afford for my late MIL - however we had only been  here for 3 months and she trotted off to the Blue Yonder!
Now it would appear we are a bit stuck, most of the folk are nice, but my husband is self employed and as soon as some of the locals hear he hasn't got "the" accent they aren't interested! Really hard work.
My husband signed up with the local Drs (I don't know where it is) and its a good job he did as he started to have real pain in his legs and difficulty breathing and it was found he had DVT/PE/ Enlarged Liver/Spleen the works, the local Ysbty Gwynedd were wonderful, he has to go now for regular INR checks as he will be on Warfarin for the rest of his life.
Me, I'm useless, I have a really irrational fear of the Dr's and I havent been to see one for over 6 years (she was the one who gave me Citalpram) all she wanted to do was force me into having a smear and as it was 12 years then since my last one and I haven't had sex for 9 years, I couldn't see the point and neither could she so she left me alone, but I never went back just in case she started to pressure me again - and thats how it is.
Problem is that me and the OH have always worked together, I have no friends here as its 100+ miles where we used to live, family (whats left) is 80+ miles away, dont drive, so all I have to do is reflect on my mortality and how much longer I might live which I know is stupid as folk are living till their 90's now - but BOY do I feel pathetic!
I am going to have to conquer this - I know it, thats why I am interetsed in something over the counter to make me brave enough to make an appointment as I  know its only the ruddy menopause that has made me so bloody morbid and anxious....hows your underparts anyway?  Oh and Anglesey isn't really that bad.............

My sister lives on Anglesey - so how bad is bad  ???  :-X.  My B in L worked at Ysbty Gwynedd  ::) ........ the Island is too flat for me.  Prefer the Cambrian coast myself.

You could make a list of how you feel and have a chat with the GP.  A lot could have happened in the Surgery during those years  ;).  If you book a double appt either with the GP or Practice Nurse, they don't bite tha knows .......... you don't have to take anything unless you are comfortable and understand what has been suggested: if not, go back and say "I was in a bit of a tizz last time, could you remind me of what you suggested?'. 

There you are worrying about your mortality yet you won't go to the GP  ::).  A smear test is important! and there are new ways of taking the sample these days, again your Practice Nurse will explain.  Whether or not you are in an intimate relationship, we need to keep that area (which is easily forgotten) up to date with our smears.  What is the worst that can happen?  Having an in-depth chat first and explaining that you have extreme worries helps the Nursing Staff deal with those worries.  If I lived closer  ::). 

What skill-base does your husband have?  You are in the North and they are more Welsh than the middle where I worked.  They do prefer people to have Welsh as a first language ..........

My underparts are  >:( - right this moment, itchy


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