General Discussion > New Members

How Long IS the Menopause....does anyone know?

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Here we have to take a photo in order to register as a new patient  ::) ........ now would that be a photo taken years ago, when in my Prime or a more recent picture  ;)

Did you watch Embarrassing Bodies live  8)

Hi GAIKI,  I hope you do pluck up the courage to have a smear.  The fact that you have had sex at all means you should have one every 3 years, because the HPV virus is very common.

I am pleased I had one at 25years old, as I had abnormal cells on my cervix. My GP told me that if I did not get it treated straight away, I could be dead at 39years old, which was a bit of shock, but I'm glad I had the lazer treatment and have been free of anything since.  ;)

Yes CLKD, i caught the end of it, and was thinking of you when they mentioned vestibulitis? :o

Also a lot of encouragement for girls to attend for their smears  ;)


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