General Discussion > New Members

How Long IS the Menopause....does anyone know?

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No argument - you are perfectly right. Just need to gear myself up - strange thing is I used to work at a Family Planning Clinic and was well used to legs akimbo, but have absolutely no idea why I'm this way now - sorry Yes I do its the ruddy menopause - , but when I work myself up to make an appointment it all just goes haywire. I think if I could find somewhere where they did it and gave me the results the same day I'd be okay but I bet that doesn't exist!
On a different note does your Sis like Anglesey? Maybe I haven't lived here long enough but, Yes it is ruddy flat and I think that could be part of the problem and maybe part of it is HAVING to live here in order to afford Nursing Home costs which in the end we didn't need to - for long, that is!
My old man is a bench joiner and character window conservationist - in short he makes old sash and domed/arched windows for period properties.
As for undercarriage then I have had a bout of that itchiness (but not the rest) and the only thing that worked was a cream that contained a small amount of Tea Tree oil, it was deliciously cooling and stopped the itch almost immediately think it was from Nelsons. Got to be honest it did sting very slightly to begin with but then felt MUCH better.........
Thanks for replying - much appreciated................

Has he tried working for the National Trust or one of the Heritage Charities?  I think it is 'house building live' or something in London soon, with Kevin McCloud.  It is probably a very specialised area of skills ..........

I think they like living there, he is Welsh, she's English the family are bi-lingual.  Maybe you have too much knowledge  ::) and the 'what ifs' begin.  However: how would you advise a neighbour?  ;)

Hi GrumpyandIknowit,

I live in North Wales, Conwy Valley.
Our neighbours here are really Welsh.
They are nice and speak to us in English, but you can tell they have to think of the words, they aren't being awkward.

We do our meat and Veg shopping in a local town,  it's a nice social event (yes food shopping). The shop owners and other shoppers are welsh, but we seem to get on ok. However, when we first arrived, there was quite a lot of having to wait for welsh speakers to be served. It took some time before we got served when we came in, give it time. Are there shops near to where you live, that you could wander into?

Also, as CLKD says, do go and speak to your GP practice, a smear test is important, irrespective of state of lustful activity. It just is!

Hope you feel a bit better in yourself soon.

Oh the serving of Welsh speakers first  >:( and the changing from English into Welsh when a visitor arrived  :beat: ........

Could you send an e-mail of queries to your GP Practice initially?

CLKD - I think Grumpyandiknowit (herein known as grumpyaiki)
may need to sign in at a GP practice before emailing.
Well we do here, and it's not a million miles away from grumpyaiki.


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