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How Long IS the Menopause....does anyone know?

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Hello Everyone - I am so pleased to be on this forum I have dipped in and out just reading the posts for years and thinking "so me duck I am normal" (well almost) but recently I have been feeling Pants, (think thats the modern word for crap) so thought I must register and become part of the sisterhood and hopefully get me some help....PLEASE.  At the age of 38 my periods became very weird, and that went on for 10 years but as I'm a bit pragmatic I assumed it could be the start of Madmenno so just carried on, then when I reached 52  my periods went into overdrive and went on for months, went to see the Dr (I have WCS White Coat Syndrome) so that was an effort in itself, anyway was told it could be that my Coil had got stuck and my body was trying to get rid of it - eventually it did, then my periods came and went on an alarmingly strange basis. Firstly the only real symptom I had was anxiety but plucked up courage to see the Dr again and was given Citalopram (think I've got it right) and that really helped and was on that for a few months, but apart from the cruel and crippling anxiety and panic attacks those were the only real symptoms I got. I am now 56 (soon to be 57) and for the past 6 months, I have had the fanny problems, itchy, soreness, the odd hot flush, crippling joint pain (usually subsides but seems to stay in my elbow) tingly, itchy muscles, teenage puberty skin and worst of all the anxiety and panic attacks have reared their head again, dreadful feelings of impending death and reduced is driving me mad. I keep adding on a few years and seeing who has died aged 60 + thinking I've only got three years, so can I go to sleep just in case I don't wake up? I google celebrities and see some of them are in their 60's, Dawn French  and Linda Lusardi are a year younger than me, Kim Basinger is 3 years older than me, Helen Mirren is nearly 10 years older..........Jo Brand I think is almost the same age - do they, did they have the same thoughts and feelings?  So does anyone know if I am getting these symptoms because its signalling the final depletion of my hormones and is that why I am feeling so BAD?? Do all those feelings subside when the hormones eventually GO???? Is 60 REALLY old - does it signal the end of my life? Can someone help me, can I buy something over the counter to help/ Sorry for all this.....I live in a remote place, work from home, have no friends...sad really...... I should point out that when I hit 55 I was fine, then again at 56 but now its spiralling to 57...not so good

How long is a piece of string? 

Sorry you're feeling so bad it sounds like you need a serious dose of estrogen!  I would see your GP asap and if there are no medical reasons why you shouldn't take HRT, then I would get started straight away!

HRT can clear up so many symptoms, its amazing how ill you can feel when your hormones are imbalanced or depleting.

Good Luck x

Welcome on have just listed a good few meno symptoms. . I would think a trip to your GP would help. There really is no need to suffer so much. Some of us have health anxiety and feelings of doom but either AD's and or HRT could help.

It's a bloody awful time but it will pass.....I would think most of the celebrities that you mention will be on  HRT.


Hello. Reassuring to know that I'm not the only one that works out ages in the middle of the night ;D Welcome xxxx

 :welcomemm: until last Tuesday I had thought I had got 'away with it' without problems  >:( (see my thread on bladder problems).  It got me wondering whether meno ever ends.  I thought that once my periods had stopped (2002) and I hadn't had many symptoms: apart from intense itchy insteps when in the bath each evening and itching across my bra line every night: that I was going to be OK ......... which has stopped in the last 2/3 years ..........

Browse round, join in.  I take Citalopram and a Beta-blocka every night.  I have waffled on about that too  ::).

Make a list of your symptoms and see either your GP or Practice Nurse.  How remote is remote?  Give us a clue  ;)


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