General Discussion > New Members

Hi everyone


I'm new to the site but not necessarily new to pre-mennopause(ha) Any way, I'm 46 and so far my symptoms aren't too bad compared to most. The main symptoms I deal with are extreme fatigue and flu like symptoms. These symptoms don't occur every day but usually a few days out of the month sometimes more. I'll find some kind of homeopathic herb that will help but after a few weeks, it no longer works then I'm on the hunt again. I do take Black Cohash at times. Does anyone else have these issues, what do you use for energy and this flu like achey feeling. I'm in good health tho. It would be nice if I had a sex drive too....

Hi and welcome.

I tried different alternatives, but HRT is only thing which worked for me.  The exhaustion can be quite overwhelming. I'm trying to wean myself off HRT and the fatigue is quite awful. I have it most days in varying degrees. I'm lucky that I don't work as not sure I could cope. 

Suzi Q:
Im not a big believer in remedy stuff thingy
But hun  what ever works for you xxxxxxxx

I never took HRT but Im 16 years post meno and still feel dog tired and am not yet 60 ahhhhhhhhhhh


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