Menopause Discussion > All things menopause

What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?

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We've been asked the question:
"What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?"

Your answers could create a resource here to help your relationships with your partners.

When i feel down i tell him and he says what can i do to cheer you up, dont know id say so he suggest we go out for a meal if i dont feel like eating he suggest we go shopping and ends up buying me clothes.Sometimes he gives me a massage or does a nice meal. I find i cant hide my feelings he can read me like a book.He would even just drive around to get me out of the house.

Libby Babe:
I think the best thing my husband has done for me is just always being there for me and being as patient as he can with me and not judging me when my hormones take over and I am horrible to him.  He is very calm by nature which is just as well really with what he has to put up with.  I am lucky to have him that's for sure!


--- Quote from: rik on February 04, 2008, 02:12:33 PM ---"What's the best thing your partner has done to help you through the menopause?"

--- End quote ---

Well that is the 64,000 dollar question isn't it?

My personal experience may be different from others. I am 50 & my husband is 42. We married in 2002 & have no kids between us.

The best thing my younger husband has done to help me through the menopause is  being patient with me. He has also been considerate & understanding. How he has done it I do not know  :-\. I have been a bitch, a cow & totaly self centered with my problems - but he has always understood & supported me.

Poppyrose's explanation & advice posted on here was excellent & I printed it off & showed it to him (about this time last year) & he said it helped him to understand what was going on. Maybe a good idea Rik to re-post it on here.

I feel I am lucky in some ways but I know there are ladies with a lot deeper reasons for getting support & love from their OH's - children must be a big plus, I mean wow sharing that experience I will never know.

My husband has never bought me flowers or "surprised" me with presents but I just know that he loves me for what I am - an old woman going through the menopause or the 40 year old he met & fell in love with in 1997.

My husband has been great with me during this time, I must have been a horror to live with as I have had major anxiety/depression problems since starting the per-menopause.  He is so understanding and patient with me, being there when I need a cuddle or just knowing when I need to be on my own.  He has always been with me when I have to visit my GP as I normally can't get out what I need to say as I am in such a state.  All in all is he brilliant and I love him to bits.

Sharon x


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