General Discussion > One Life, Live it, Celebrate it!

Letting go

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one year in:
Following a remark made by another member on another thread, I started thinking about how much I have "let go" following menopause.

For one thing, I have started wearing a bikini.  I wore a one-piece for most of my adult years because I thought I was too fat for a bikini.  Not sure what changed, I just let go.

I also stopped shaving my underarms and legs in the winter.  And I don't wear make up often anymore or wear deodrant every day.

It's wonderful to stop having to worry what other people think!

What have other people let go of?

Gosh you are brave.

I could not inflict my wobbly bits on the world at large. My razor is still my best friend.  ::) ::)

I think what I have let go is my constant worry of what people thought of me. Now I do my best and if they dont like it they can lump it. It has been quite liberating really.


coffee mate:
I'm with Honeyb on this one. I too could never let go of my razor, and I do like to look/feel good,  BUT.... if they don't like it.....tough!   Now there's one thing I have let go of - caring what other people think of me.   :)

UUmmm good thread ............. let go of: not much - yet  ;)

Probably need to ask Himself if he has noted anything that was a habit that I no longer do ........  ;D

I honestly think I have become more fussy about myself since I have become peri.

Perhaps its a reaction to getting older and feeling somehow less feminine. I dont really know. It had been talked about on here before...the increase in body odour. I am very aware of that and I dont like it at all.
I really do have a thing about really nice smelly stuff. Body creams face creams etc.
I love to come out of the shower and have a bit of a pamper sometimes. It makes me feel better and anything that does that is really worth while for me.



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