Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Could be the coating that you are reacting to.

Don't wait …….. MadBloss …….  talk to your GP sooner rather than later, the longer the brain is depressed the longer it can take for medication to 'kick in'.

"the psychiatrist sats my problems are psychological not psychiatric hence why the ads dont work for me "  - and the difference is exactly?  >:( - ADs usually work, people expect a cure though and that sometimes don't happen; coping is the best I can hope for. At least I get out of bed in the morning and we have a Life 2-gether.  Also, ADs can take time before the sufferer notices a real difference, 8-9 months sometimes. 

In the UK a Psychiatrist can prescribe medication, a Psychologist can't …….. but they both deal with mental illness and problems that arise.  The former can admit patients to Hospital, the latter is more inclined to advise seeing a GP for advice. 

I didn't even realise I was depressed but now, 10 weeks into the ADs I know know that I was a high functioning depressive until I reached the point I was no longer functioning and the anxiety took over.

I still have some side effects kicking about and things are not right all day every day, but on the whole the benefits are becoming clearer by the day.  :)

That's good.  Little steps.  Breakthrough depression can be a problem !

I didn't even realise I was depressed but now, 10 weeks into the ADs I know know that I was a high functioning depressive until I reached the point I was no longer functioning and the anxiety took over.

I still have some side effects kicking about and things are not right all day every day, but on the whole the benefits are becoming clearer by the day.  :)

BJ, that's me exactly. Can go around with a smile on my face until bam, hits me and gradually there is a physical decline and then meltdown. I think it's hard to cope with one or the other but when you get depression and the anxiety together it's hell. Been to see my therapy lady so I'll report on the therapy thread. X

There was a time I would have run a mile from ADs, beta blockers and psychotherapy as I would see them all as a sign of weakness.  I have been such a fool, if only I had asked for help sooner but was too proud and determined to  cope.  But I wasn't coping.  I have had to admit weakness to regain my strength.  Menopause just might have been my saviour for bringing all this to the fore.


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