Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Hope that everything continues to improve for you WTD. I think I have been lucky in that your GP recognises the hormonal element to your depression and is trying to work with that. I'm struggling to get my GPs to take my anxiety as anything other that just a return of a previous anxiety episode yet it feels so much more out of my control than previous episodes when CBT helped. Some days I can feel the chemical shift and the almost instant feelings of panic and despair and no amount of challenging my thoughts etc shifts it, although I do find trying to remain as calm as I can lessens the impact. I think that just having that extra mike of support from your health care provider is part of the battle as I just feel like a malingerer these days with the number of phone calls and appointments I've had.

It seems like help and support is very hit and miss. Some have great GP support, access to good therapy etc. but others don't.  My GP is so hard to get appointments with and I'm not keen on any of the others because you feel like they don't know your history and you as a person.

I need to know why I am getting this more and more often. Second bad episode in a year and although I know it starts off with a health worry, why does it escalate much worse than it used to and yet they say it won't be a hormonal thing now that I am post meno of at least 6 years?

I can't bear the thought that this is it for the foreseeable future for me, there just no end in sight. Sick of trying to think of what on earth I can do next whilst all the while trying to have a normal life and cope with all the day to day stuff and what the future brings i.e. having to look after my Mum. How will cope with all that when I can't cope with myself, it really adds to my anxiety in a big way.

Coldethyl, I don't think you could be classed as a malingerer. I think if your GP can see how much you try to help yourself they would understand. X

My heart goes out to you WtheD …….. I had breakthrough depression recently and it scared me …….. so I upped my ADs for 3 mornings and fortunately it passed. 

I try to look no further than half a day at a time.

It was painful for you too?  Most people think that mental problems are in the head, for me it was physical too.  I ached after a bad bought. 

Just read your post, WTD, and I think you were right to leave your job - if employers intimidate their employees because they are suffering from depression then the problem is only going to get worse.  I left my job last spring (after six years, as well) after suffering severe depression &, like you, found I started ruminating over things whilst at home so I started volunteering as it got me out of the house, helped to give me a sense of purpose & there was no pressure.  I'm not saying it's for everyone but it definitely helped.  I know what you mean about not wanting to get up off the bedroom floor & do anything - I was like that !ast February & March & was given diazapam which helped but it is not a long term solution because of the high dependency risk.  In November, I started to head back downhill but CBT helped me back up again.  It's !ike being on a hormonal rollercoaster as I have recently been going through another dip (after Christmas).   My current job is not helping (I had to start working again late last summer for financial reasons & I am desperate to !eave).  Like you, I tend to be wary of posting when feeling depressed, hence me not being on here as much lately.  I have had problems with AD's because of nausea, insomnia &, worst of all, reactions.  I used to be able to take my SSRI AD's without any problems until !ast year when I started coming out in bumps & getting itchy, the day after taking them.  I did try again recently but the same thing happened.  Just riding through without meds at present but will consider trying amitriptyline if I get really bad again.  Thanks for your posts & for giving us hope that it DOES get better. Xxx


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