Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Oh CLKD, you poor thing. You sound at rock bottom and you are so supportive of everyone on here. Yes, this damn depression thing is terrible. I downloaded the depression book by Sue Atkinson, can't remember the bloomin title at the mo and it was the best book on the subject that I have ever read.

OMG, what an amazing thing that would be, to have a place of comfort where people could go if they were having a really bad day to just 'be' without being judged and feel safe.  Have you looked at Depression Alliance? That was recommended to me as well.

Hope you feel better soon. X

Wishing you all the support and love you could possibly need to get through this time. I've been there myself many times. It will pass you will feel better give it time.


Huge hugs CLKD
PN x x

Thanks.  I will make a double appt with our GP for a chat - he is my late friend's GP too …...


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