Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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It is a real gift to discover this thread. It is such a comfort to know I'm not alone. I'm not a forum user generally ( haven't a clue what all the abbreviations mean - is there a key anywhere!?) as I always feel nervous expressing myself publicly.
My experiences are very similar to people here, very painful childhood which I'm only really coming to terms with now at the age of 55.

ADs - anti-depressants
DH - Dear Husband
DD - Dear Daughter
DS - Dear Son

ask away!  We're here to share  ;)

DC's?  :)

Aaahhh ……… in what context? 

MadBloss  - come in for an update  ;)

I shed tears this morning.  Having suffered deep depression in the 1990s and having felt unsafe at times, right now I hate this illness.  It can become a silent killer  :'(  ……… and I feel so sad for my friends who had a tradedgy before C.mas  :'(.  It's brought a lot of my own feelings I went through at that time to mind, which makes me scared …….. it makes me angry that there is little support for those suffering from depression or anxiety.  It takes ages to see a GP in some areas, referrals for psychiatric counselling etc. can take months before the appt. is avaialbe ……… I would love to see walk-in centres for those suffering who need somewhere to simply 'be'.  No need to communicate or justify why they need to sit …….. but somewhere to feel safe, with sofas and blankets to curl up underneath.  A cuppa to hand to huggle, not necessary to drink. 

Would Assisted Dying stop some people ending their Lives - because it doesn't do to even suggest that one feels suicidal it seems to freak others a lot! and there's those that say 'you don't need to be depressed', 'what have you to be depressed about?'  ……… If Assisted Dying walk-in Clinics were available people who felt unsafe or in despair could have somewhere to talk where they know they wouldn't be judged  :-\


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