Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Yes, pretty much Pranja. Although they certainly didn't always proceed my period like classic PMS. But then my cycle changed when peri started, in that it became shorter and my periods much lighter and often only lasting 2-3 days, rather than 6-7 like before.

I also think I had months where I didn't ovulate at all, despite having a very light bleed. This made it even harder to properly chart anything or link it precisely to my menstrual cycle.

But, aside from all that my episodes of low mood/anxiety would generally only last roughly a week, followed by a couple of perfectly normal/happy weeks, followed by a few iffy days.

When I am in despair I know that I am never going to feel happy or well again  :'(.  Then the despair lifts ……… since remaining generally well I can recognise when my brain requires support.

It's like the body: when the gut is hungry, we usually eat.  When the brain needs support, we often ignore it …… I don't know what chemicals my brain requires so fortunately the current AD eases symptoms.

Thanks for the suggestions, CLKD - I do still have the valium, thankfully, which helps.  I had my 4th CBT session today & am beginning to see that my thought patterns worsen my depression.  Normally, my mood dips mid-cycle onwards & the low mood becomes more persistent in the autumn & winter months.  I appear to be an 'overthinker'!  I also occasionally get that 'crushing fatigue' that Prajna mentioned - hormones grrr!
Thanks Dyan for the  :hug:    Yes, I'm now a member of the club!    :D. X

I over-think when stressed; when depression takes over and when anxiety strikes.  Otherwise my Brain is quiet.  I used to talk to myself all the while, trying to 'put things right' ……. or planning what I would say to someone in certain possible situations.  I don't do that as often as the people that triggered those feelings are dead  :-\

CBT can be useful as it gives methods of sorting and possible calming repeative thought patterns.  Do you have 'homework'?

Hi CLKD, I am sorry for the delay in replying - I had lost track of what I had posted on MM!  The 'overthinking' is a big problem of mine.  I am guilty of 'mindreading' & 'catastrophising' (the 'what if...'scenarios).  I do have 'homework' for the cbt.  One topic at the moment is to write down what evidence I actually have for when I think someone might, for example, dislike me or is disappointed with me.  I really want this to work but I need to be in the right frame of mind to be able to carry the tasks out.  As I mentioned tonight in another thread, I am trying to stop 'sinking under' - don't think the gloomy weather or reminders of my old workplace today have helped.  Going to church on Sunday as I have booked the day off so that encourage me.  :) X


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