Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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I can relate to how annoying (b) is  >:( I feel like shaking someone who mutters how 'fed up' they are  :-X

You didn't upset me, the written word is static and views can sometimes seem non-flexible I am often guilty of not checking that what I type makes any sense other than to myself  :D.

I know that Himself had to take my medication to work and return at lunchtime so that I took the next dose because I didn't dare have anything in the house that might be 'dangerous'.  He never asked me why I told him to take it out of the house ........ I think he was scared of what I might say!

Here it is - for Mitra so as not to hi-jack another thread

just about had enough now- so desperately fed up- son in debt to his eyes, new headteacher bullying the older staff, need some hugs but dont need this any more. dont care.well i do but ...................................................

All things shall pass.  How about contacting the Board of Governers for advice?  New broom sweeps clean  ::) and people don't like change but bullying is unacceptable.  Maybe you should all tell the new Head that there is a non-bullying policy in the School which applies across the board?

As for your son being in debt., send him to the CAB for advice!

thank you xxxxxx :thankyou:


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