Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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well done!  I find that clinical depression can break through the organic …….. particularly if I've visited Mother  >:(  ::)

Hi CLKD,  :thankyou: for bumping this thread.  I can relate so much to what you have said in your posts.  I also grew up in a dysfunctional household & was an anxious child.  I too, was so ill during February/March this year (when I was experiencing personal & work problems) that I cou!d barely eat, wash or get out of bed then, one day, I ended up getting an emergency appointment with my GP & somehow (goodness only knows how) got over there, unwashed etc. & could barely walk from my car to the waiting room because I fe!t so weak (my weight had dropped dramatically).  I just remember almost collapsing onto my gp's desk in floods of tears & begging him to admit me to hospital (he didn't).  Instead, he prescribed me valium to calm me down & referred me for counselling.  The valium helped a little at the time but the wait for the counselling was too long &, by the time the sessions started (NHS), I had already made some more disasterous decisions & had ended up resigning from my job.  I only started paid employment again a couple of months ago.  Even now, I find it an effort to get out of bed on the weekdays that I do not work but I can recognise now, especially from what you have said, that I am both clinically and organically depressed (it is on both sides of my family)& will need medication through this winter.  Hormonal fluctuations during my menstrual cycle, & particularly during perimenopause, have made it worse. It is such a shame that the escitilopram doesn't appear to agree with me anymore but I will try & persevere with the initial low dosage of setraline (the only other alternatives may be prozac or citilopram as mentioned in my 'Anti-depressants' thread). My main worry is the insomnia which is a major side effect for me. Thanks again for bumping the thread  :foryou: xx

Join the Club that no one wants to be in  ::). 

If you can't sleep, how about a radio by the bed?  With soft music on …….. I had Radio2 on for years.  Of course now there are iPad thingies so that one can have a random selection of music  ??? …… it helped focus my brain on not sleeping.  If there was a suitable piece of music I could pretend I was ice-skating: yeh, right  ;D : but every skate position was correct and I soared …… sometimes it would ease me into sleep.

Do you still have Valium to hand?  Might be worth using as necessary.

Madboss :hug:
Another club member  ;D

I know my peri menopausal depression is organic because it can strike in a matter of moments (literally in the time it takes to drink a cup of tea). It then lasts from between 2-7 days and then disappears in the space of a few hours.

It is the oddest thing. While I am experiencing it I feel so very flat, low and despairing. I cannot remember what it feels like to feel normal/happy and I am certain I will never feel happy/normal again.

Then whoosh! It lifts, and I find it hard to remember what it feels like to feel so low.


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