Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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CLKD - I think neurosis or neurotic depression is a depression where the sufferer still remains in touch with the "real world" but with a "psychotic depression" they don't and lose touch with reality.

Strangely enough, when I had PND, I thought I was seriously ill - not mentally but physically and looking back it was a close call as to whether it was classified as psychotic or neurotic. (I never actually did find out!  Maybe that's a good thing...)  I've never felt like that again but I have been depressed since that time - the PND was a different kettle of fish altogether though :o

Scampi - you have an awful lot on your plate at the moment and no doubt it means you are very busy going here, there and everywhere and trying to cope with everyday life.  Please remember to look after yourself as well as your mum and dad - I know that's not an easy task though.  It wasn't so long ago that I was in a very similar position to you and I know it's hard, very hard.  Thinking of you and sending lots of cyber hugs.


Post Natal Depression is caused by hormones  >:( and psychosis is one aspect of how it manifests itself.  Once the hormones settle so does the PND. 

'neurotic' is a new label I hadn't heard before.  Neurotic to me is something completely different to depressive symptoms.

I think I've sorted out why I was so scared the other night: I can't find my spare pair of reading glasses nor some special photos and don't dare look where they out to be in case they are not there  :-\  .......... the photos are usually with me 24/7 but I've put them down somewhere and now that I have no re-call facility, I can't remember when I last had them.

This was my journey and other comments from way back in 2011


Are things any better CLKD .



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