Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Lists are good CLDK.
I'm always doing lists for anything. :)

When I was very ill I had lists for everything except getting out of bed and feeding the cats.  That way Icould remain on automatic pilot and not think too hard about anything  :-\

I'm very much divided on this subject because there is a big difference between what is classified as a "Neurotic depression" and a "Psychotic depresssion" 

Basically, when suffering from Neurotic depression, we do not suffer from irrational thinking - but a psychotic depression will cause this problem - eg, irrational thinking, delusions, paranoia etc....  I have definitely seen this with my son and it's very, very unpleasant.  He had no hope of doing anything at all because he was so very agitated.  (I've been on the cusp of this before, so could see what was happening to him but I always knew that I wasn't quite "right" and thereby lies the difference.) 

He had absolutely no idea that he wasn't thinking in a "normal way."  To be honest - "normal" didn't even come into it - but if you had spent just 5 minutes with him, you would not know that he was severley ill...  I knew though and so did my husband and daughter but it took ages to get the correct diagnosis.

I'm not trying to say that depression is any less debilitating in any form but a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia or Bi Polar Disorder is incredibly serious and the medication can have a serious impact on the patient's way of life... (If it works..) - I think this website explains it very well indeed....

Valxx  (Sorry to go on so much!)


Suzi Q:
All the love in the world
God Bless xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Psychosis is a different ball game altogether and can be scarey for those watching.  Usually the sufferer has no idea that their conversation or actions are not within normal limits.  The brain is a strange creature at times.  Certainly drugs can make people anxious or agitated, I remember Dad having some medication which caused him to pace all the while.  He couldn't walk it 'out' so it was eventually changed to Lithium. 

What's 'neurotic' depression?  I have both organic and clinical depression which run along similar lines but I can recognise the difference, however, some 'experts' will not accept that there is an 'organic' basis.  Hormones can cause problems at puberty which often go un-diagnosed and un-resolved even with diagnosis. 

My problem initially was that I didn't recognise when depression was creeping up nor would I listen when Himself told me to change jobs/hobbies etc. when it was obvious I was becoming obsessive.  I have learned since 2001 to listen more and slow down, take stock and re-evaluate.  Usually he is 'right'  ::).

Last night I felt remote from Life, I was quite scared.  I couldn't sleep, my brain was racing, I had a lot of guilt rushing through my brain and body  :-\


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