Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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Do you blame yourself for other genetically disposed conditions though?  Why is it that depression has such a stigma  >:( ....... does your son blame you?

I got rid of my teen anger in my mid-30s by talking therapy - discuss, decide, ditch. Cleared my head of anquish, medication helps control the other stuff.

Suzi Q:
Thats a hard one I dont know but I do know I missed the signssons depression I shouldnt have
MUM had been mentaly ill all her life and Id been her main care giver till I was 15
The again from 20/26 so I saw it at its worst I suppose I just didnt want to see what was in front of me
I dont blame me as much as genetics and we can do nothing about that I just get so sad sometimes
I think of the things he wanted to do depression stopped him then he got his Autoim disease which is also genetic
Sometimes think what the F else but you have to go on and not give up
Son is now happily married to a wonderful girl even though her and I arent close we get on well
They have traversed the world together are buying their second home even though he sometimes just cant go to work
He works for a great company they unbderstand his sickness and are ubderstanding when he rings in SICK
But he does do heaps of work for them far more than most employees would he works loads from home in his own time
Designed their new web page for nothing would have cost the firm $1000s  so its quid pro quo
I think we just have to accept that some will get depression for life some will get over it and some are just plain SAD

Does son blame me hmmmmm honestly I dont know the Autoimune the same hes a celt hes a fighter its in his nature
Not saying others dont just that son is the hard faced celt that you want at your side when thihngs are bad He said at one stage the only thing that stopped him (can I say this?) killing himself was me he knew Id follow him

Depression rears it's ugly head in many forms so don't beat yourself up at not noticing it in your son.  I hid it well from people for years, when I finally admitted friends told me they never would have thought that I would be a depressed person.  It's the public face again  ::)

Hi CHKD am also suffering very bad depression at the moment, due to a breakdown with relaitionship/work stress, I back at GPs on monday to review meds, hopefully they can get me right, :(Just feel like am not living really.

So be kind to you.  Feet up.  Cuppa in hand.  TV or music on in the background and doze when ever you are able to.  Don't worry about your sleep pattern.  If you are awake in the night read, do puzzles or have music on.  My brain used to whizz fast when I was very ill.  Occasionally now it does when I've been busy.  I try not to worry about the odd night when I don't sleep. 

Take a list of symptoms to the GP and ask how to tackle them.  That way your Doctor can take informed steps about what to prescribe and advise and youwon't miss telling him/her anything  ;)


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