Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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As a recovering anorexic I have plenty of experience of eating disorders.  Nearly 70 years of experiences which at times have almost killed me.  I have felt how it affects me.  My husband knows how it has affected me.  I comment on my personal experiences.  Mine alone.  Many find my advice across the Forum useful  ;) ......... if you don't like it, don't read it.

In my experience of many years of therapy I have never found anyone in the profession who can actually feel phobic anxiety, fear, worry - I went to 1 therapist and could tell her exactly which page from which book she was making suggestions from.  [Clarie Weeks].  I told her that if it were as easy as those suggestions she would be out of a job.  We got on better after that .  She began to listen to me ........

I haven't time nor energy to go into therapy.  I can't face yet another disaster.


In recent weeks my brain feels depressed on waking.  Once out of bed and 'at it', it does improve.  I take 5mg and 10mg AD morning and night.  It's becoming more noticeable  :-\ and I haven't yet worked out why.  Other than busy, involved, illogical dreams which leave me feeling knackered.  When I sleep in the day/evening I don't dream so feel that at least my sleep has been caught up with. [regardless of what the 'experts tell us!]

So DH and I R trying to alter my eating regime to at least any anxiety surges.

This post has resonated with me so much. I have found reakiro cbd gummies help with it a bit. Im also taking amitryptline for nerve pain so I shouldnt take the cbd as well but needs must.

I wonder if my change of eating habits don't help I may try your suggestion.  Or ask the GP for Propranolol which worked well until 2020. 

My dreams are depressed too, in that I'm often looking for someone to listen and talk to  :-\.  I'm missing my Dad too [died 2006] long story short.

Hi clkd

I get you with your dreams. Im usually looking for my mother she died in 2008.

The cbd gummies dont go well with ADs but until im off the amitryptline Im taking them as and when I need to x


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