Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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You have had a lot in your Life.  Have you been in contact with any of the appropriate support groups?  Grief never really goes, it waxes and wanes but should be recognised as changing how we view daily life.

MayB contact AA?  You won't be alone as many people drink/drugs to cover grief.  Being with others can lessen any guilt - a problem shared etc.. 

Being alone won't ease your grief though.  Why didn't you try the ADs?  That's what they are designed for  ::).  We are all full of chemicals ..... food, drugs, daily belongings .........

Did U get support from a Police Section after the murder?  R there issues that are left hanging?  Maybe a separate thread?

Thanks CLKD for response. I go on other online forums, they understand  as theyv lost family members same way.
I may try antidepressants eventually,but giving up drinking may be difficult.  Are there any good natural alternatives to
HRT any1 can recommend that works for them. Been taking E Primrose oil for years now. Out of habit, not sure if it helps .

Giving up any crutch is difficult.  4 me it's the 'what if stopping the medication makes me feel worse?'.  The physicality of withdrawal can be tuff.  Alcohol is a depressant.  It 'depresses' feelings which are painful as well as lowing the brains resistance.

There is an alternatives room on the Forum to browse round.

Never in all the years that I went to therapy was it an easy walk-in-the-door for me: if I stopped sessions not one professional contacted me to find out why?  I can understand the NHS not following up but when I was paying ......... and the hour became shorter and shorter in that the Psychologist arrived later with a list of excuses and began to leave earlier  :-\.  That made it obvious 2 me that she really couldn't cope with my phobia and had run out of ideas.  Or did all these so called 'experts' think that I had been cured?   :-\

The night I needed admission, crawling on the floor begging for help for my own safety the Doctor at the Private Unit told me on the 'phone to take more valium  :-\.  I did.  It helped. That was the advice .......... no follow up or other suggestions.

I did have a therapist who told me that I knew more about my problems than she had answers for and she kindly left 3 appts free during the next 3 months but I didn't go, rang and told her to give them to someone else. 

 :thankyou:  .........


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