Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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 In response to Kathleen's new topic in 'all things menopause'

Hi Everyone,
I am new here and struggling with so many different symptoms of menopause, but the worst is feeling isolated from family and alone because of my moodiness. I am so irritable and sad most days. Things that may have bothered me slightly before, infuriate me now, and I find it very difficult to be around my family without freaking out. To survive, I stay mostly to myself. Sometimes it helps (suffering alone), but for the most part, its become very lonely, isolating and sad.

I just don't know how to get through these horrible feelings. I can handle the hot flashes and night sweats, easy peasy. Its the sadness, crying, anger, irritability and insomnia that is driving me crazy.

Can anyone relate?

Yep.  Hormones!  We have a recent topic about 'rages' - do read and join in.   :welcomemm:

When I was menstruating I would be OK for 3 weeks then anything that I would usually have dealt with would send me into a frenzy of anger  :cuss: until the bleed began  :-\.  I would fly off the handle instantly.

How is your diet over-all?

Hello Shari-O and welcome to the forum.

There are many ladies here you can relate and I'm one of them, I also hide myself away in order to cope with the horrible moods.

Taking HRT is the favourite for controlling menopausal moods but the range available is large and experiences also vary. For more advice I suggest  you also post in the New Members section because unfortunately newbies are not always noticed in the middle of an established thread.

Take heart you are not alone and the lovely ladies on the forum will be happy to help you.

Wishing you well and take care.


I want isolate from everyone+shut myself in home+can be as unhappy as I want, instead of
putting on a happy face mask as I go to work/shops. Pension age no longer 60 which I now am,
must wait another 6 years to retire. Can't take HRT as had pre cancer in breast twice+possible mastectomy
due. MORBID thoughts from my past +others misfortunes enter my thoughts all day .I'm scared to
get in the works vehicle(.I don't drive )I've known too many people lost some1 on roads.
I've known too many lost some1 to cancer. Several neighbours around this estate have died
within last 10 years+almost all were younger than me.19  year ago daughter murdered,dumped,found after
5 weeks. Traumatic childhood with fear,abuse,domestic violence. Partner gets on my nerves,although
he's kind, I keep imagining living alone +just my son visiting me. Becoming a hermit,ordering online
shopping, I can't tolerate happy people, crowds, noise ,my friends that have all their children safe+well.
I'm pulling away from those friends. My mood swings at times ,I need to keep away from people.
Antidepressants were prescribed last year ,not tried yet. Theyr full of chemicals, aren't they? Suppose
I binge drink too much 1 time, the effects of Anti  will be lessened. But I don't drink everyday. Am I heading for
 a breakdown? I only started meno in march, 1 whole year without period aged 60.


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