Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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When I read this back I can see how far I have travelled.  Not all of it good but with support from a good GP, a loving husband and medication which helps ........

I remembered  ;D

I have suffered with depression since I was 15yrs old  :'( I am now 48 and am currently suffering with another episode of depression. On top of coping with this- I have recently become perimenopausal too. This is causing me to suffer with anxiety and I have had a big panic attack( which I ended up in A and E) . I am on a multitude of antidepressants which have been keeping my mood stable for some of the time. I have a great psychiatrist. I mentioned to him my periods were irregular and I wondered if I was perimenopausal too. He told me to go to my GP. Again my GP is superb. I have been seen v regularly by my GP, CPN and psychiatrist. I have felt suicidal at times and the Samaritans got me through the night ( I live alone). I attended a lecture on the menopause organised through the university where I work voluntarily. It was a consultant in specialising in HRT/menopause who spoke for an hour. People asked questions and she also said she would stay behind to answer questions. It had taken a lot of effort for me to go feeling depressed; but I wanted to learn more about the menopause. I waited until everyone had gone and then went up to speak with her. I immediately broke down and floods of tears. I hadn't expected this at all- or I wouldn't have gone to see her. The Dr was v nice. I explained my circumstances and she said I have a v good GP and she would have put me on the same HRT treatment that he had. She also explained that my recent panic attack and episode of wetting myself are symptoms of the perimenopause. The panic can just come on out of the blue for no reason. It is hard enough trying to cope with chronic depression and the thoughts of more panic attacks and wetting myself scares me. Tonight I am feeling v low and just hope that one of the forum members may reply to my post. For those who may need it- the free phone number for the Samaritans is 116123

ps I feel a little better having written the above post

It is what it is.  I try not to second guess it as I can alter within seconds from being OK to very low.  It can be like wading through treacle.  Add hormonal upheaval and it can become worse.

If oestrogen levels drop then the bladder may lose it's elasticity - maybe wear appropriate pads for the possible wetting scenarios ;-)

Medication really helps me get out of bed !


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