Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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'floored' - oh we do come up with some good descriptive words on this Forum.

By mid-morning as long as I eat correctly and don't allow my body to get hungry, I feel a lot better, able to Get On!  PHEW!

Dancing Queen:
Yes lol...floored😃In my head it means being kicked up the ass with your face down the..well..floor..sums it up! 😃

Would half a day at a time work for you?  Until you can see the wood for the trees [never worked out what that means exactly  ::)] : take time to look for snowdrops ? which reminds me ........

Dancing Queen:
Yes I am trying to train myself to live in the now rather than what might happen next week or next month..mind you looking out at the weather today the now isnt all that appealing! 😒

It's great here.  But weather when I was severely depressed made not a jot to it.


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