Menopause Discussion > Other Health Discussion

UPDATE: Effects of Depression

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For anyone suffering.   :bighug:  I am so apathetic this year about Ch.mas.  Few cards written.  1 decoration found.  Gifts sent to Oz and the US, Mum's are wrapped, labels to be written; DH has to wrap mine from him and vice versa. 

I could go under but don't feel depressed once I'm out of bed.  I wake feeling YUK but once I've eaten and got going, the feeling so far has gone.  But I looked at a packet of parcels we have to take to his brother and my heart sunk  :-\ and a flash of anxiety went through me.

Expectations?  Bugga ........ I wish someone would stop the clock or allow me to hibernate  ::). Does your husband have a form of autism that directs the disassociation?

No defo not autism - its very complicated and takes ages to explain. He's been under a psych for 7 months at a time twice. It is now been described as a dysfunctional coping mechanism which got out of hand!  (bit of an understatement) It first happened about 6 months after we first met 20 years ago and he had come out of a pretty bad marriage. When it happened in the early years it was like living with a complete stranger that I didn't recognise at all. When it was bad I described it once as him being a completely different person and luckily enough my very best friend is a rape counsellor and when I said "its like a completely different person comes and lives with me" said "are you sure there aren't two of them living in there"?  To which I replied "multiple personalities...isn't that just in books" and then followed it up quickly "have you ever counselled anyone with more than one personality"?  to which she replied "no its not just in books and yes I have".  At which point I realised that I probably wasn't off my head in what I had been thinking and that it was a bit serious.  The real scary bit was when my beloved husband "returned" from one of his "episodes" he didn't remember a thing and to be honest there were occasions when he didn't know where he had been or what day it was!

It has caused some traumatic times as we would get the situation when he was working (he works with me now last 14 years - much safer!) but at different firms that he would go to work but not turn up and they would ring me and ask me where he was and I didnt know!! and/or I could'nt find him and when I did he didnt remember what had happened!  In our life together he has "missing memories".  It sounds very bizare.  Luckily as I said nothing bad since 2015.

His brain shuts off maybe, coping strategy; easy to understand.  Many times I have needed to do so but haven't been able to.

How much does it worry him?  He probably isn't aware of the triggers?  It is understandable that some people disappear with no memory when found.  A complete blank.

Every morning I wake low.  Almost depressed, fortunately the feelings go once out of bed and at it. 

This too will pass particularly as nights are pulling out  ;) and C.mas is over  :D

Dancing Queen:
Yes CLKD the statement "this too will pass" is what I have to keep reminding myself when feeling floored by the fact that my life is not how I want it to be right now...


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